Industry Linkages

Bridge the Gap Between Academia and Industry with MyNext's Industry Linkages!

Elevate your students' career readiness with MyNext's Industry Linkages initiatives. Our platform creates invaluable networking opportunities that connect students directly with industry professionals through internship fairs, expert engagements, and more. These initiatives empower universities to provide enhanced access to internships, career guidance, and essential skill development.

By fostering strong industry connections, MyNext not only prepares your students for successful careers but also enhances your institution’s reputation for producing highly skilled, job-ready graduates. This, in turn, contributes to a more dynamic and competitive workforce.

Elevate Employability

Future-Ready Education


Empower Graduate Success

Committed to enhancing graduate employability (GE) through an evidence-based framework of action and intervention

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Data-Driven Insights

Utilize MyNext's data analytics tailored to your institution's population

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Boost Employability

Develop and implement strategies to increase the institution's GE

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Workforce-Aligned Education

Enhance courses to meet the demands of the modern workforce

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Career-Focused Education

Ensure students receive the education and training needed to excel in their careers

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Empower Field Impact

Enable students to contribute meaningfully to their fields

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Take Action Today—partner with MyNext to unlock these opportunities for your students and strengthen your university’s impact on the future of work.

Get Started Now and bring the professional world closer to your students.