WIN is a network of professional women that was created through a structured mentoring approach to cater to the needs of women talent
We connect professional women with a support network consisting of C-suite professionals, HR leaders, qualified trainers, individual experts, including successful women returnees as mentors, towards enhancing a nurturing culture for our women talent. We believe that mentoring plays a vital role in supporting women in facing various challenges in the workforce and in achieving that, we:
- facilitate engagement between talent and industry
- build professional networks to foster knowledge sharing and retain high-skilled talent across all sectors
- encourage skills and capacity development to increase industry preparedness
The long-term goal of this initiative is to build lasting relationships beyond this programme and to bring a positive impact in both your personal and professional lives.
We know many women talents who would like to learn from experienced professionals and similarly, we know many organisations, that would like to contribute to this concerted effort and give back by providing suitable mentors who are ready to commit to this programme.
We welcome proposals for any collaboration and would love to get connected. Write to us at women@talentcorp.com.my and let’s begin this mentoring journey together!

Women Registed
Workshops & Webinars