A Student’s Guide to Self-Discovery
Have you ever stopped and questioned yourself if the course you’re taking or about to undertake really resonates with what you want in the long run?
Will I be able to find a job in this field? Do I even like this field?
What are my strengths?
In what areas do I need improvements?
If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions, don’t worry. We’ve all been there. And mynext is here to help reassure you along your journey.
mynext introduces a series of profiling tools catered to help individuals from all walks of life discover themselves. Be it their personal traits, or professional traits, mynext focuses on helping individuals in their journey to discover a career path that truly resonates with their passion. Our profiling tool, the mynext Profiling Suite, tackles five main aspects; work values, work interests, personality and motivation, employability and future of work.
Work Values
The first of five tests looks at the values that one seeks for when looking for a job. To make fully informed choices about their future career, individuals must have a clear understanding of the work values that they consider most important to them personally, as these are the values that will underpin their happiness and success at work. There are a total of 18 work values, which are further categorised into four subdomains:
Each domain looks at different aspects of one’s work values, and presents itself from most important to least important. Through this categorisation, individuals can get a better understanding of which career paths they should venture into.
Work Interests
The second assessment within the mynext Profiling Suite uses the RIASEC model, enabling individuals to discover the characteristics of each interest preference type. The identification of an individual’s Work Interest