A look into mynext
In line with the focus of the Economic Action Council (EAC) to look into developing high skilled talents for economic growth, especially post-Covid-19, there is dire need to ensure students are ready for the job market even before they graduate. In partnership with the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) and the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), we developed mynext to enrich our talent with embedded psychometric self-assessment tools and internship facilitation to bridge talent supply and demand. mynext enables data analytics that provides insights for national talent mapping and support policymaking in developing suitable intervention programmes to improve talent’s employability readiness.
TalentCorp, as the national internship coordinator mandated by MOHR, has developed solid frameworks that will ensure the conducive implementation of the initiative. Our main goal was to consolidate demand and supply of graduates and employment, and with the guidance of the prominent parties, such as government agencies, experienced associations, and industry players, as well as partner universities, we were able to establish areas that required intervention, and from there develop a platform that would address our overarching goal; to improve graduate employability in Malaysia.
In short, mynext forms a vital link between education and future employability, as well as setting individuals on a path of lifelong learning journey by helping them define and chart their career path through an all-in-one, easy-to-use platform that brings students, companies, universities, and the workforce together as an integrated talent solution and analytics platform. mynext is divided into three segments, namely mynext Talent, mynext Company and mynext University. This is so each module is developed based on requirements from each respective stakeholder. mynext Talent forms the foundation of the initiative, where it welcomes individuals, be it students or members of the workforce, to go on a journey of self-discovery through psychometric assessments.
This then links to the second module, mynext Company, catered specifically for individuals who are interested to look for internship opportunities. On the flip side, companies who register onto the mynext platform and provide internship opportunities also benefit from the platform by gaining the eligibility to receive tax incentives and access to a portal is focused on internship talent recruitment. The third module, mynext University on the other hand, provides members of higher learning institutions with datapoints that enable productive curriculum development, which contributes towards talent development, and prepare students as they take on their internship journey with mynext, and eventually assimilate into the workforce.
To elaborate more, mynext Talent aims to help individuals discover their strengths and gaps, through profiling tools that have been curated by experienced educationalists and psychologists. But that’s not all. mynext Talent also instantaneously connects students who are seeking internship opportunities to hiring companies, and secure internships directly via mynext. This will not only furnish talents with opportunities and guidance in their student-to-work transition, through the profiling tools, mynext will also enable talents to improve employability by providing an avenue of self-discovery, both personally and professionally. These assessments, known as the mynext Profiling Suite, includes:
Work Values
Work Interests
The Future of Work
Personality & Motivation
Read more about our psychometric assessments here.
Upon completion of these assessments, talents can then explore potential career paths that resonate with their profiling results. While some may be aware of the career paths they’re looking to venture into, it also grants a new perspective on other career paths that go beyond the status quo. We also identified the importance of English competency in today’s employer landscape, hence mynext also provides a comprehensive English proficiency test that encapsulates both grammar and comprehension related questions.
Next on the agenda; organisations. mynext Company supports the national workforce by integrating talent solutions and analytics onto one platform, with a focus on bridging the gap between Malaysia’s talent supply to future jobs. To ensure that we’re able to cater to all companies, we allow the flexibility to choose between two types of internships: general internship and TalentCorp’s National Structured Internship Programme (MySIP).
Through MySIP, hiring companies will be eligible to enjoy extra perks such as double tax deductions incentives, claims on intern expenses and many more. In addition to that, organizations now have an avenue to source for credible talents, and the convenience of managing internships from start-to-end, all via one platform. To contribute towards the upskilling of the national workforce, all resources gained through partnerships with organizations will be ploughed back towards supporting the national agenda on graduate employability. That being said, as an organization, you’re not only hiring interns, but also productively contributing towards the progression of a better nation.
And then it came to the foundation of talent development; mynext University. mynext University supports institutes of higher learning with data and information related to students within their institution. We do this by providing university personnel with access to our personalised dashboards, the mynext analytical dashboard and coaching dashboard, that allows them to identify the progress of each individual student through the profiling results. This enables productive curricula development in line with current industry demands, whilst addressing the needs of individual students.
With all these features in place, mynext plays a pivotal role in the nation’s talent development and propelling them towards becoming more self-aware and industry-ready when taking on the workforce. In short, mynext isn’t just another internship platform. It’s a whole lot more than that. It’s a platform that empowers individuals, from all walks of life, by giving them a chance to discover their true potential.
So, whether you’re an